Monday, July 26, 2010


Federal Judge Dismisses Lt. Shawn Murray's Federal lawsuit in which he claimed he was falsely arrested for Domestic Violence August 17, 2008


Friday, July 23, 2010


On July 23, 2010 I was deposed for Mr. Murray's Federal suit against CPD and Lt. Reno, it was the first time I got to use my voice (it is not the last). The Judge then dismissed
Mr. Murray's lawsuit in which he claimed he was falsely arrested.

The "system" (DA's office) failed to hold Mr. Murray accountable for abusing me, despite the evidence that clearly showed the abuse I sustained. The message to Mr. Murray and other abusers is "We only prosecute 3-4% of those arrested for abuse, so go ahead and abuse others because we will not hold you accountable for your actions, nor will you have any consequences for violating the law".

Unfortunately, his ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, and I sent him that message for 23 years (there is documented abuse from all 3 of us). We covered for Mr. Murray out of fear, I stopped covering for him and his abuse on August 17, 2008.

Carlsbad Police Department acted appropriately and responsibly when I called "911" to report the abuse. The Federal Judge has acted appropriately and responsibly by dismissing his Federal lawsuit in which he claimed he was "falsely arrested".

This "system" asks, "Why didn't you call the police?", then in the same breath they say, "Oh, we're not filing charges against the person who abused you."
