Friday, November 27, 2009

While going through my journals and writing my manuscript, I realized how much God answered my prayers on August 17, 2008. In a paragraph from my journal (from before 8-17-08), I wrote:

"These chains to Shawn bind me and keep me in a place of torture around the clock.... I need someone to cut the chains that prevent me from moving/escaping this painful place...It is hurting me too much God, do you see that? What is the purpose now? I need to learn something else here God?? Please teach it to me now. I feel like I'm paddling in the deep blue ocean, my arms heavy and tired. I'm exhausted, I'm lost, there are no "signs" and I start to lose the ability to paddle. I'm not even sure which way I should be paddling, where is N/S or E/W...where is there land? There is no end in that moment, all I want to know is, will I survive this? Is there a shore? Will someone rescue me?"

1 comment:

  1. Shande, you are extraordinary and strong. I am so proud of you for pulling yourself through this. Leaning on friends is tough to do but when they love you it is so much easier. God is doing great things through you right now and he will continue to use you,, I love you my friend. Chelle
