Wednesday, October 28, 2009

May you all reach this destination, it truly will set you free...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

No words spoken, every word heard... Forgiveness is as much for you as it is for the person you are forgiving... forgiving others of their wrong doings will set you free..

Monday, October 26, 2009

Actual "911" call to police. I encourage ALL parents to view this...

It would only be years later, that I would see and hear about the effects my abuser had on my children. As a mother, nothing is more painful then to see your pain become your childrens... I was hiding behind denial to protect myself, so I didn't have to feel or see my own pain or their pain. The problem with "hiding", is that "everything that is hidden, is someday found".

I wish I would have seen how my children were being effected by staying with the man who abused me. Instead, years later, when my children had to write statements, I saw and felt their pain in the words they wrote. Their statements hurt me worse then the years of abuse from my abuser.

A few sentences from my son's statement read, "I can recall that he was grossly condescending towards my mother, often using innapropriate language in front of my sister and I. Any attempts to stick up for my mother would result in threatening remarks delivered in an intimidating manner. I can remember my mother crying on several occasions due to remarks, threats, and insults directed at her."

A sentence my daughter wrote in a statement read, "....everyday he tried to posion all of us with the devil inside of him".

This site is a real call to "911" by a 6 year old girl. This girl grew up and was in relationships with abusive men. She now has become an advocate for domestic violence and this "911" call is used in training for police officers around the country.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Welcome to my "blogspot", the purpose of this site is to raise awareness on all types of abuse and to encourage anyone who has been abused in ANY way, to start talking, and break the silence. I used to feel so ashamed because I was in an abusive relationship, particularly because I was a Police Officer.

Once I broke my silence, my abuser no longer had control over I began to use my voice, the shame began to disipate. I was a "victim" for many years, I am an empowered "SURVIVOR" today.

When I broke my slience by calling the police, the "walls" came down, the denial I hid behind in order to survive began to fade, I began to face and "feel" all the pain from so many years of abuse.... A reporter recently asked me, "Which is worse, the physical abuse or the emotional/verbal?" I replied, "The physical abuse stops hurting and heals, the emotional abuse doesn't".

Abuse comes in MANY forms.... many abusers abuse verbally, emotionally, physically, and sexually, like my abuser did. I encourage you TO BREAK THE SILENCE. Abusers tell you to BE SILENT, I understand, but "Slience is a "silent" killer".... I know. It robs you of your soul, your spirit, it makes you feel hurts...


Saturday, October 17, 2009

I pray that you will ALL get to "this place", the climb up the hill has been marked with MANY challenges, a few falls, aches and pains, but I assure you the view from the top is well worth the work it takes to get there.... I was fortunate, I never felt "bitter" as this song mentions, I continue to believe as I always have, true inner peace can only come from forgiving others. I have learned to love myself, how to feel and sit with the pain, take it in, heal, and grow from it. I planted a seed, watered it, cared for it, protected it from the elements, and one day I went out and there was a beautiful flower... Now is "The Time of my Life", I encourage all of you that are embarking on this journey of self discovery and healing to focus on yourself. Do this for yourself, I found that by not dating since I was abused, I have been able to rediscover the part of me that had been lost in a sea of pain for so many years. When the day comes that I choose to let someone in and give them my love, it will be "real love", the kind we ALL need to feel for ourselves first.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I understand societies reasons to demonize abusers, however, I would hope that there comes a day, where we take a good look at "who" an abuser is and "who" he or she is not. Almost all abusers become abusers for the same reasons those that are abused continue to be abused. Abusing others physically or sexually is a crime, I am not minimizing their actions (choices), they should all have consequences. However, what I would hope, is that people see and understand "where" they came from. What they do is wrong, "who" they are is a hurt little boy or girl, a child of God's.....
Worth posting again. God is there for all who seek him... He loves us all unconditionally, he is always there for you, he always loves, supports and forgives... reach for him
May you all be blessed with this experience... find the purpose, and you will find yourself, you will "find an answer"......