Saturday, October 17, 2009

I pray that you will ALL get to "this place", the climb up the hill has been marked with MANY challenges, a few falls, aches and pains, but I assure you the view from the top is well worth the work it takes to get there.... I was fortunate, I never felt "bitter" as this song mentions, I continue to believe as I always have, true inner peace can only come from forgiving others. I have learned to love myself, how to feel and sit with the pain, take it in, heal, and grow from it. I planted a seed, watered it, cared for it, protected it from the elements, and one day I went out and there was a beautiful flower... Now is "The Time of my Life", I encourage all of you that are embarking on this journey of self discovery and healing to focus on yourself. Do this for yourself, I found that by not dating since I was abused, I have been able to rediscover the part of me that had been lost in a sea of pain for so many years. When the day comes that I choose to let someone in and give them my love, it will be "real love", the kind we ALL need to feel for ourselves first.

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