Monday, October 26, 2009

Actual "911" call to police. I encourage ALL parents to view this...

It would only be years later, that I would see and hear about the effects my abuser had on my children. As a mother, nothing is more painful then to see your pain become your childrens... I was hiding behind denial to protect myself, so I didn't have to feel or see my own pain or their pain. The problem with "hiding", is that "everything that is hidden, is someday found".

I wish I would have seen how my children were being effected by staying with the man who abused me. Instead, years later, when my children had to write statements, I saw and felt their pain in the words they wrote. Their statements hurt me worse then the years of abuse from my abuser.

A few sentences from my son's statement read, "I can recall that he was grossly condescending towards my mother, often using innapropriate language in front of my sister and I. Any attempts to stick up for my mother would result in threatening remarks delivered in an intimidating manner. I can remember my mother crying on several occasions due to remarks, threats, and insults directed at her."

A sentence my daughter wrote in a statement read, "....everyday he tried to posion all of us with the devil inside of him".

This site is a real call to "911" by a 6 year old girl. This girl grew up and was in relationships with abusive men. She now has become an advocate for domestic violence and this "911" call is used in training for police officers around the country.

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