Monday, January 24, 2011

Love Can Build a Bridge by Westlife

This WILL be sung at the concert, a human bridge will be built....From pain and fear to love and peace... 2011 is A HUGE year. A new beginning for so MANY, a healing year for so MANY. I have been getting many messages from those that have abused, which was somewhat of an "unintended" consequence... THEN AGAIN, my "message" has always been and still remains rooted in love and forgiveness.... LET'S PLEASE NOT FORGET, those that abuse ARE NOT "EVIL" OR "MONSTERS"... think with your heart... I have posted this message for 2 years... PLEASE remember, MOST that abuse were abused as a child ALSO! THAT DOES NOT MEAN that what they have done or are doing is ok, IT IS NOT. IT IS A CRIME. AS AN ADULT, they NOW HAVE A CHOICE... They NEED TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE IF THEY MAKE THE WRONG CHOICE AND THEY NEED TO BE HEALED AND FORGIVEN...THEY WERE A "VICTIM" ONCE TOO ....


  1. Bridges can cross divides, when the bridge no longer is passable, there is a disconnect, some say a passing. I had a road, now there is a chasm that will never be repaired. I have that sadness, but my life is mine & I will be strong for myself & my flesh & blood. Shande, thank you for your posting.

    1. It's been nearly a year since your comments, they resonate deep inside of my being....I want to know "who" you are, why? because I'm still trying to heal....Maybe you are too? Your words effect me to this day.... I struggle for the words to explain (which is odd for me, I'm typically not at a loss for words, lol)...Perhaps the words are buried too deeply in the pain.... <3

  2. I am essentially a blue-collar man. I do have an avocation that gives me "will." I hope to parlay that into a vocation, but nothing is set in stone. Again, it has been almost 25 years since So. Cal., but it has never left me. There are times I miss the IB, the sand castles, the vision of Coronado heading north. I will keep the goal of going west of I-5 in my desires. A longing, to be kept & treasured.
