Monday, January 24, 2011

Welcome to my "blogspot", the purpose of this site is to raise awareness on all types of abuse and to encourage anyone who has been abused in ANY way, to start talking, and break the silence. I used to feel so ashamed because I was in an abusive relationship, particularly because I was a Police Officer.

Once I broke my silence, my abuser no longer had control over I began to use my voice, the shame began to disipate. I was a "victim" for many years, I am an empowered "SURVIVOR" today.

When I broke my slience by calling the police, the "walls" came down, the denial I hid behind in order to survive began to fade, I began to face and "feel" all the pain from so many years of abuse.... A reporter recently asked me, "Which is worse, the physical abuse or the emotional/verbal?" I replied, "The physical abuse stops hurting and heals, the emotional abuse doesn't".

Abuse comes in MANY forms.... many abusers abuse verbally, emotionally, physically, and sexually, like my abuser did. I encourage you TO BREAK THE SILENCE. Abusers tell you to BE SILENT, I understand, but "Slience is a "silent" killer".... I know. It robs you of your soul, your spirit, it makes you feel hurts...



  1. Go girl! Thank you for reminding us to stand up and be heard...even when we didn't always feel as though we had the voice. Keep up the good work,Godspeed :)

  2. To be heard, ears must hear. Thank you Shande Raelle for your voice, my ears have heard. It has been close to 25 years since I left SD. As long as people like you are still there, it will always be a beautiful place. Keep K & K in your heart. Love to all!

  3. Panuky... I don't know if you can get a message I post to you, BUT, I know I have a message for you. It's clear that you know me and had a message for me, thank you for your message. I would love to speak with you, and my heart is always open for that. Thank you for your kind words, tears fell from my eyes as I read your message. Thank you for the "love" you sent our way. K & K occupy the space in my heart, but fortunately I have plenty of space for others. Your comment was very heart felt and I thank you from the bottom of my heart <3 God Bless
